RC-Baustelle.de (http://www.rc-baustelle.de/index.php)
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-- Laderaupen, Planierraupen und Schürfraupen (http://www.rc-baustelle.de/board.php?boardid=8)
--- [1:14,5] My D11R (http://www.rc-baustelle.de/thread.php?threadid=3469)
Geschrieben von gipicarto am 02.07.2015 um 22:08:
new holed step plates
Geschrieben von gipicarto am 03.07.2015 um 18:59:
... and then installed on the fender
Geschrieben von CAT 365 am 04.08.2015 um 23:57:
Hello there,
Can you tell me what you use for Motorn ? What are the motors and where did you get it .
Geschrieben von gipicarto am 24.08.2015 um 11:37:
... ready to use
PS: for CAT 365
Sorry but I have non time for access to forums.
We use faulhaber motors and we found it from the italian dealer.
Geschrieben von gipicarto am 15.09.2015 um 11:34:
Geschrieben von gipicarto am 28.12.2015 um 21:39:
the assembly of the first two 2016 models goes on ...
Thanks to all who have trusted us,
a special thought for Antnrc which unfortunately left us ...
Geschrieben von gipicarto am 04.06.2016 um 19:01:
a little example for those who prefer the kit form
two frames ready for painting
Geschrieben von gipicarto am 04.06.2016 um 19:02:
Original von gipicarto
a little example for those who prefer the kit form
two frames ready for painting
Geschrieben von gipicarto am 04.06.2016 um 19:03:
Geschrieben von gipicarto am 04.06.2016 um 19:22:
... sorry, please delete the previus three erroneus posts :-(
a little example for those who prefer the kit form
two frames ready for painting
and the new shipping box
Geschrieben von gipicarto am 19.06.2017 um 12:10:
The new hydraulic oil compensation tank made of brazed welded brass sheet
Forensoftware: Burning Board 2.3.6, entwickelt von WoltLab GmbH